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The CPRIL Blog

Dec 8, 2024
COP 29: A Turning Point or a Missed Opportunity?
Elucidates upon the consequences flowing from the recently concluded COP 29 on global warming and climate change

Astha Samanta
Nov 14, 2023
Demystifying Russia’s violation of International law in the Ongoing Ukrainian Conflict: Part II
A Brief analysis of Russia's Action on the anvil of security exceptions in the UN Charter and the Genocide Convention

Astha Samanta
Nov 14, 2023
Demystifying Russia’s violation of International law in the Ongoing Ukrainian Conflict: Part I
-Astha Samanta The rule based international law regime developed after the Second World War is currently under tremendous stress due to a...

Khushi and Smrithi Suresh
Aug 4, 2023
The Chagossian Question: The ICJ Advisory Opinion and Its Implications
- Khushi and Smrithi Suresh Background of the Dispute The Chagos Archipelago is a group of islands located in the Indian Ocean, south of...

Srividya M.S.
Aug 3, 2023
- Srividya M.S. “We declare that human rights are for all of us, all the time:whoever we are and wherever we are from; no matter our...

Kartikey Baid and Dhruv Garcha
Jul 21, 2023
Napalm Forests II: Protection of Environment During Armed Conflicts in the Future
-Kartikey Baid & Dhruv Garcha Proposed Reforms In this part, we will be looking at some proposed reforms which will first, will...

Kartikeya Amitabh Mishra
Jul 20, 2023
Humanitarian Aid in an era of crises: An analysis
This piece critically analyzes humanitarian aid and its viability under international law.

Aditya Kaushik and Aayushi Gupta
Jun 26, 2023
Overextension of “Self-defence”- Turkey’s military actions in Syria a Continued Cause of Concern
- Aditya Kaushik and Aayushi Gupta Introduction The ongoing war in Eastern Europe has diverted the global public attention away from...

Jun 26, 2023
The Curious Case of Customary International Law and the WTO
- Sidharth Kumar “WTO agreements are not to be read in clinical isolation from public international law” – so declared the WTO Appellate...

Aditya Raj and Humairah Shaikh
Jun 26, 2023
The Indus Waters Treaty: What options does India have under international law?
- Aditya Raj and Humairah Shaikh In January 2023, India sent a notice to Pakistan to amend the Indus Waters Treaty[“the Treaty”] because...

Kartikey Baid and Dhruv Garcha
Jun 26, 2023
Napalm Forests I: Protection of Environment During Armed Conflicts
- Kartikey Baid and Dhruv Garcha Armed conflicts, whether international or domestic, have had a wide-ranging human and environmental...

Saumya Kaushik
Jun 26, 2023
Soft Law and the Soft Enemy: The Conundrum of Cyber Attacks and the Use of Force
The dependency of humans on computer systems and networks is increasing exponentially. Today, computers are used for medical records,...
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